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Manchmal sind es nicht die Worte, sondern die Klänge, die die tiefsten Emotionen ausdrücken können. Mit unserer exquisiten Grusskarte, bedruckt mit den Noten des berühmten Musikstücks “Stille Nacht”, bringen wir die besinnliche Atmosphäre dieses zeitlosen Liedes direkt zu Ihnen. “Stille Nacht” ist nicht nur ein Lied, sondern ein Symbol für Ruhe, Frieden und die Schönheit der Weihnachtszeit. Die sanften Klänge und die einfühlsamen Texte dieses Liedes berühren die Herzen vieler Menschen und lassen sie innehalten, um die Bedeutung der Feiertage zu reflektieren. Das kunstvolle Design der Karte, mit den Noten von “Stille Nacht” als zentrales Element, ist eine Hommage an die Kraft der Musik, Gefühle zu vermitteln und Menschen zu verbinden. Es lädt dazu ein, die Melodie in Gedanken zu singen und sich von ihrer Schönheit und Einfachheit berühren zu lassen. Mit hochwertigem Druck und Liebe zum Detail ist jede Karte ein Meisterwerk für sich. Von den feinen Linien der Noten bis hin zur Erfassung der musikalischen Nuancen – jede Note wird mit größter Sorgfalt eingefangen. Bestellen Sie jetzt und verbreiten Sie besinnliche Melodien mit jeder Karte. Lassen Sie diese Karte die Sprache der Musik sprechen und Herzen zur Weihnachtszeit berühren.

Greeting card Silent Night A6

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Greeting card Silent Night A6



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Sometimes, it’s not the words but the sounds that can express the deepest emotions. With our exquisite greeting card, printed with the notes of the famous music piece ‘Silent Night,’ we bring the contemplative atmosphere of this timeless song directly to you.

“Silent Night” is not just a song but a symbol of tranquility, peace, and the beauty of the Christmas season. The gentle sounds and empathetic lyrics of this song touch the hearts of many people, prompting them to pause and reflect on the meaning of the holidays.

The artistic design of the card, with the notes of “Silent Night” as the central element, is a tribute to the power of music to convey emotions and connect people. It invites you to sing the melody in your mind and be touched by its beauty and simplicity. With high-quality printing and attention to detail, each card is a masterpiece in its own right. From the fine lines of the notes to capturing the musical nuances – every note is captured with the utmost care.

Order now and spread contemplative melodies with each card. Let this card speak the language of music and touch hearts during the Christmas season.


incl. 20% tax. | excl. shipping costs

23 in stock

Totals 3,30 

Greeting card Silent Night A6

Sometimes, it’s not the words but the sounds that can express the deepest emotions. With our exquisite greeting card, printed with the notes of the famous music piece ‘Silent Night,’ we bring the contemplative atmosphere of this timeless song directly to you.

“Silent Night” is not just a song but a symbol of peace, tranquility, and the beauty of the Christmas season. The gentle sounds and empathetic lyrics of this song touch the hearts of many people, prompting them to pause and reflect on the significance of the holidays.

The artistic design of the card, with the notes of “Silent Night” as its central element, is a tribute to the power of music to convey emotions and connect people. It invites you to sing the melody in your mind and be moved by its beauty and simplicity.

For the music lover or for a loved one who appreciates the Christmas season in a special way, this card is a gift of immeasurable value. It symbolizes the tranquility and contemplation of this festive time and reminds us of what truly matters: love, peace, and unity.

With high-quality printing and attention to detail, each card is a masterpiece in its own right. From the fine lines of the notes to capturing the musical nuances – every note is captured with the utmost care.

Order now and spread contemplative melodies with each card. Let this card speak the language of music and touch hearts during the Christmas season.

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Weight 0,01 kg



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